You can master cravings!

Monday January 2nd - Friday January 6th
LIVE Daily @7pm CT | 6pm MT

  • Victory!

    Say goodbye to failed resolutions!

  • No more 'starting tomorrow'

    No more guilt of putting off for another day!

  • Secret Technique

    Learn the missing piece to why it isn't about willpower!

Over 5 days you will be implementing strategies that rewire your brain to no longer crave sugar!

PLUS there will be prizes given away during the challenge!

  • DAY 1: Victory Over Sugar - Create your custom routine to change what your body craves when it needs energy!

  • DAY 2: Happy Brain, Happy Mood Learn strategies to revitalize your brain to eliminate brain-fog, fatigue, and irritability!

  • DAY 3: Re-Ignite Your Metabolism Discover the secrets to a robust metabolism and endless supply of energy

  • DAY 4: Sensational Sleep Learn how to optimize sleep so that your body is refreshed and ready to conquer each day!

  • DAY 5: Healing Movement Learn which activity is best for you

5-Day Challenge Curriculum

    1. Welcome to Conquering Cravings!

    2. Conquering Sugar Manifesto Pre-Class Homework

    3. Ask Questions Here

    1. Conquering Sugar Ultimate Manifesto

    2. Day 1: Conquering Sugar

    3. Day 1: Conquering Sugar Replay & Challenge

    4. Day 2: Better Brain, Better Mood Challenge

    5. Day 2: Better Brain, Better Mood Replay

    6. Day 3: Magic Metabolism Replay

    7. Day 4: Sensational Sleep

    8. Day 5: Activity You Love

    9. Beating Sugar Manifesto Sources of Sugar

    10. Day 5: An Activity You Love

About this course

  • $197.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Meet Julie

Like other health challenges, there are so many protocols, promises, nutritional and supplement plans on the internet that (all this information) can be overwhelming and paralyzing! Our approach and process carefully figure out what's personally best for you. We will provide you with actionable steps you can take to support and rebalance your metabolic, immune, and inflammatory systems to get healthy hair once again and revitalize your health!

Meet Salena

Known for her investigative skills Salena Rothenberger, D.PSc, CFMP, CHC nutrigenomic expert and functional medicine practitioner is on a mission to redefine healthCARE through Clarity, Action steps, Resources, and Empowering others to they can reclaim their health!

You Deserve to Win!

You will conquer your cravings - Once and For ALL!


  • How long do I have access to the material?

    You will have access for 1 year after enrollment.

  • Are there refunds?

    Due to the nature of this being digital content there are no refunds.

  • How do I access the content?

    You can access the courses and workshops you are enrolled in by clicking on the "dashboard" link in the main menu.